Mushroom Medley on Toast - The Classic

Mushroom Medley on Toast - The Classic

You either absolutely love them or don't even see when they are written on a menu. It's a clear favourite in my books and when I read "Mushrooms" on a menu, that dish is most likely going to be ordered by me! With the right mix of spices & herbs and a healthy combo of fresh mushrooms, a slice of fresh bread and a generous amount of butter - There is nothing better!
Mushroom Medley on Toast - The Classic, here we go:

Mushroom Medley on Toast - The Classic

Mushroom Medley on Toast - The Classic

Serves 2


4 slices of your favourite bread (rye, seedy, ciabatta - anything works, really)
2 cups of assorted fresh mushrooms
1 tsp olive oil
1-2 tsp of SPICETUB Mushroom Medley Mix 
3 tsp unsalted butter


Place your bread into the toaster, sandwich press or fry pan to slightly toast until golden. (We love getting a slight charr on our bread to get that crispy note against the softness of the mushrooms)
While the bread is warming up, make sure that all mushrooms are bite sized. Depending on your choice of mushrooms, some may need to be sliced or cut.
Heat the olive oil in your pan on medium heat, add your mushrooms and cook until softening. Add your SPICETUB Mushroom Medley Mix and gently stir continuously to coat all mushrooms with the delicious spice mix. Cook for about 5min or until cooked through.
Butter your bread, top with the mushrooms and dig in! YUUUUUM!


** If you re-create this dish or any other delicious SPICETUB creations and feel like sharing the love on your socials, don't forget to tag us @spicetub and use the #spicyaction. We draw a winner monthly for some very special prizes! Good luck and happy cooking!

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